Thursday, November 15, 2018

How Jamaa social network is changing the lives of Africans

How Jamaa social network is changing the lives of Africans

The internet is full of opportunities; the only important thing is to use the internet for the purpose of changing our lives from poverty stage to richness. Internet can help to change our lives since there are many platforms online that can help us change our lives.
jamaa is changing life

There are many platforms that help people earn money but today I speak about the best platform that coming soon it is “Jamaa” The term jamaa is the Swahili word that means friends. This is the social network that helps its users to make money online when they compose supper posts or articles that are meaningful to the society.

Your viable idea is enough capital to become rich in this world. You know something and you can explain or teach it on jamaa you make good money. Let us take an example a graduate who search for jobs in offices and get nothing for ten years can start his/her job online by teaching societies or communities though jamaa platform. E.g If you are an expert in Agriculture you can teach people how to cultivate cassava or any lesson you wish and Jamaa will pay you. Jamaa is your friend right! So keep in touch with jamaa, it will change your life totally.

Many African countries are developing countries; we hate to call them poor countries since African countries have enough resources, like land, water, parks, minerals and other potential resources that can be used to alleviate poverty. Despite the poverty that face many Africans there is good internet speed and easily accessible, Also there is the spread of smart phones and other expensive mobile phones that can be used as money generating machines. If you try to observe Africans you will notice that one African owns more than one mobile phone. One is simple mobile phone and another is smart phone, but let us asks ourselves why do they own more than one mobile phone? The answer is simple mobile phones is for making calls and insuring that all the time he/she is reachable since Smart phones have the tendency of High battery consumption due to its mode of operating system.

We need to be smart like Smartphone when using internet, spend your few hours to potential online activities rather wasting your time to useless websites or social media. Instead of commenting life styles of friends in other social media go to jamaa write your useful article and wait for money when users vote for you as do. Otherwise we wish you all the best on changing your life when using the jamaa

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