Monday, December 3, 2018

How to get advertisers on your blog everyday Read here today
Advertising is the only simple way of earning revenues from your blog. But is very difficult to get advertisers even if you get traffic of 1000 visitors per day, if you do not know some key points of attracting people to advertise on your blog. A blog can accept unlimited ads, you can place ads or different gadgets or use ad server. 
How to get advertisers

I want to explain the advantages of using ad server rotating ads rather than placing ads on different Html gadgets. When you use ad server you are attracting advertisers to buy your ad spaces since they trust you that you can tell them how the value of your traffic using the ad server. Yes the ad server tells the advertiser everything about your traffic and how the ads are performed. But when you just ask people to advertise on your blog by placing on html gadget many advertisers do not trust the traffic report you share to them.

How can you get complete free ad server

You can get a complete free ad server that allow you to show unlimited impressions, unlimited clicks no paid plan just free forever, No hidden costs it totally free ad server in the internet. I give you this secret because you are lack to read this post. From now you will be rotating ads on your blog. Forum or chat room. There many advantages of using complete free ad server I will explain all in the coming days but today let me tell you how you can get the free ad server today and start accepting advertisements on your blog.

It is simple to get complete free ad server with no paid plans, no limits of impressions or clicks life time. Contact this expert on whatsapp or telegram +255652428852 you will get it today and technical assistant all days. We help bloggers who are interest of making good money from blog. Join our blogging forum, there you will get more knowledge about blogging

The ad server you get you can sell ads per click or per impressions, I mean the advertiser can buy ad impressions or clicks or he can pay per month basis and you set the ad for 30 days. When the month ends the campaign will stop. The advertiser can see daily report, weekly report, monthly report and even all time reporting. So the advertiser will know how the money was spent in the company, this is how you can get complete free ad server Share this post to blogging groups

Saturday, December 1, 2018

How to get many blog users per day from social media

How to get many blog users per day from social media

To get many blog users from social media per day needs you to be very smart. You can get many users per day from facebook, twitter, instagram and whatsapp or any social media you know. There are some important things you need to know before you start sending traffic to your blog.
free taffic from facebook

First make sure you write original contents in your blog, The contents must be interesting readers, I mean if you are blogging for education about a certain topic you must create contents relating to  that topic of interest. Now start searching for facebook groups using that keyword you like like if you are blogging about agriculture make sure you search for agricultural groups in facebook and join those groups it may be more than 10 or 100 groups no limit on joining facebook groups.

second thing create a page for your blog. Now share the post from blog using there share button from the post, send it to your page first, after that take from your page and share to many groups on facebook, make sure you use the share button in your page. So I repeat first you need to share your post from blog to page you manage then take from page you manage to groups. Do not share direct from blog to groups.

The same can be done on whatsapp,instagram and other social networks. You will get free traffic to your blog everyday. As i said you must share the post of a specific topic to correct group of interest this will influence facebook users to click on the link and go to your blog